World Design Exhibitions as Trend Laboratories: iSaloni, Maison Objet, IMM Cologne
from the cycle «Design Practice»International design exhibitions serve as the most valuable resource in a designer's toolkit, aiding them in comprehending and staying updated on global design trends and the latest achievements in the field. iSaloni in Milan, Maison & Objet in Paris, and IMM Cologne in Cologne stand out as the most prominent international design fairs, functioning as genuine trend incubators. Every year, hundreds of thousands of manufacturers produce millions of items, making it essential for designers to have effective selection criteria.
Participation in these global exhibitions empowers designers to cultivate professional critical thinking, enabling them to readily assess and argue about what qualifies as “good” or “bad” design.
Lectures based on insights gained from visiting exhibitions in Cologne, Milan, and Paris provide a comprehensive overview of the developments in the furniture and object industry, offering a holistic perspective on contemporary design trends.
The lectures will cover the leading furniture brands, their latest offerings, and the trends that have been set by the world's most influential design exhibitions.